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Get all of our latest hydroponic special offers in one place on our latest offers page. We will keep this page updated regularly so you can find and discover all the offers we have currently running on our website. These offers are exclusive online offers and are only redeemable when purchases are made via the website. We are always happy to discuss your requirements and feel free to give us a call on 01634787227 or email We offer delivery throughout the UK and can also offer a click and collect service to our shop in rochester. You can also follow us on Facebook to see our hydroponic special offers as they are released. If you can’t find the product you are looking for or its priced higher than on another website then just get in touch. We can source and order in specific products to our store to either send out to you or for you to collect. We also offer our price promise, if you find the same product on another website for less, just let us know and we will match the price. We will never be beaten on price, that is our price promise!