How to Control Humidity in a Grow Tent or Grow Room

With fewer of us having our central heating systems on for as long this winter, humidity buildup is a relatively new winter phenomenon for a lot of indoor growers. With this in mind we have outlined a few tips to help. You can do several things to try and lower the humidity in your grow tent.
Avoid overwatering – Overwatering is one of the leading causes of high humidity in grow tents. Ensure you’re not giving your plants too much water and that any drainage holes are clear.
Check plant density – If you have too many plants in your grow tent, this can cause the humidity to rise. Try thinning out your plants to see if this helps.
Remove stagnant water – Any stagnant water in your grow tent (e.g., in a plant saucer) can contribute to higher humidity levels. Remove any stagnant water and dry out the area as much as possible.
Improve ventilation – Another way to lower the humidity in your grow tent is to improve the ventilation. This will help eliminate any excess moisture in the air and can be done by opening doors or windows, using fans, or installing an exhaust fan.
Use a dehumidifier – If the humidity in your grow tent is still too high, you can try using a dehumidifier. This will help to remove any excess moisture from the air and can be placed inside your grow tent. More on this later.
Use an air conditioner – If the humidity in your grow tent is really high, you may need an air conditioner. This will help to lower the temperature as well as the humidity levels inside your grow tent.
Consider defoliating plants – One way to lower the humidity in your grow tent is to defoliate your plants. This will help to improve ventilation and can also help to reduce the amount of water that your plants are taking up. Defoliating should only be done as a last resort and if you do decide to do it, make sure you do it carefully so as not to damage your plants.
We hope you find those tips useful. We have a wide range of environmental control equipment on our website. Any questions? Just give us a call or drop by the shop.